From the Mayor's Desk

Babylon Village Bike Rodeo: Teaching Safety on the Road
As part of National Bicycle Safety Month, younger Babylon Village residents recently learned the ABC’s of safe biking at a Bike Rodeo organized by the Babylon Bicycle Advisory Committee in collaboration with the New York Coalition for Transportation Safety and LI Transit Solutions.
Held at the Village basketball courts on Park Avenue, participants learned about Air, Brakes & Chains, the rules of the road, and how to maneuver through several obstacle courses to improve their bike handling skills and encourage safe riding.
Bikers rode through narrow lanes and learned the importance of seeing, being seen, and remaining in control of the bike at all times.Upon completion of the Rodeo, riders received their bike licenses along with some safety swag provided by the event sponsors. Bicycle Advisory Committee members Jamie Sykes and Christina Santos were on hand, along with newly appointed head of Code Enforcement, Ray Peterson, who joined in the fun directing bikers through the obstacle courses.
The Bicycle Advisory Committee, led by Trustee Robyn Silvestri, is made up of local volunteers whose mission is to promote safe and fun biking throughout the Village. Save the Date! Saturday, September 25th will be the 2nd Annual Village Bike Parade.
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