Public Hearing - September 26, 2023





September 26, 2023


Mayor Mary Adams

Trustee Frank Seibert

Trustee Dominic Bencivenga

Trustee Anthony Cardali

Trustee KathyAnn Miga

Attorney Charles Casolaro

The meeting opened at 7:02 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Seibert.

The Village Clerk read the legal notice:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon will hold a Public Hearing at the Municipal Building, 153 West Main Street, Babylon, NY, on Tuesday, September 26th, 2023, at 7:00 PM, or as soon thereafter as can be heard, to consider the adoption of proposed Local Law 0926PH 302-8 of the year 2023 to amend Village Code Chapter §302-8, to add additional penalties.

Complete text of the above Local Law is available in the Office of the Village Clerk, on the Village website:, or can be requested by calling the Village Clerk’s Office at (631) 669-1500.

All interested persons should appear at the above time and place, and they will be given an opportunity to be heard.

Mayor Adams stated to there were two things that she wants to amend:

  1. To give our Sanitation Department discretion to decide if it is excessive garbage at curb and a dumpster is needed.
  2. When people vacate a property, the owner/ occupants should get a dumpster. They should not be leaving furniture, televisions, and contents of whole house at the curb.

Trustee Seibert agreed, stating that this is necessary to relieve sanitation department from having to dispose of excess garbage.

Trustee Bencivenga agreed; will give sanitation full discretion and he is in favor.

Trustee Cardali agreed with the change and stated it is necessary.

Trustee Miga agreed with the change but said sanitation needs to be reasonable on what is considered excessive.

The meeting was opened to the public; no one was in attendance to address the Board.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to reserve decision.

On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 7:08 PM.


Village Clerk

** For attachments contact the Village Clerk’s Office

:. View All Board of Trustees Minutes