March 28, 2023 Public Hearing





MARCH 28, 2023


Mayor Mary Adams

Trustee Dominic Bencivenga

Trustee Frank Seibert

Trustee Anthony Cardali

Trustee Kathy Ann Miga

Attorney Matthew McDonough

The meeting opened at 7:04 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Cardali

The Village Clerk read the legal notice:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon will hold a Public Hearing at the Municipal Building, 153 West Main Street, 

on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as can be heard to consider the adoption of a resolution and procedures pursuant to a recent amendment to the Open Meetings Law (OML) to make permanent (until July 1, 2024) the expanded use of videoconferencing by all of the Village of Babylon boards to conduct open meetings, under extraordinary circumstances, regardless of a declaration of emergency.  All relevant documents, may be inspected at the Office of the Village Clerk, 153 West Main Street, Babylon, NY  11702 during regular business hours.

Mayor Adams explained that this law allows the Village to hold board meetings virtually should there be a natural disaster or another sort of emergency.

Trustee Seibert added that this was an appropriate and necessary law.  Trustee Miga agreed.  Trustee Bencivenga said that his was a common-sense approach and that the technology is there.  He stated he was in favor.  Trustee Cardali was in agreement.

The mayor opened the meeting to the public; no one addressed the board.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to reserve decision.

    The Village Clerk read the legal notice:

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon will hold a Public Hearing at 153 West Main Street, on Tuesday, March 28th, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as can be heard, to consider the application of Francesca Genovas/Village Vines to open a retail wine, liquor and lotto store at 35 John Street.

    Copy of application and plans may be examined at the office of the Village Clerk, between the hours of 10am and 4pm Monday through Friday.

    All interested persons should appear at the above time and place and they will be given the opportunity to be heard.  All applicants and their duly appointed representatives must appear in person at the above hearing.


    Francesca Genovas & Frank Genovas

    87 Bayview Avenue

    Babylon, NY 11702

    Business: Village Vines/35 John Street

    SCTM: 007-02-082.004      

    Ms. Genovas explained that she is looking to open a wine boutique, selling special naturally fermented and organic wines.  This is something special for the community, as it is different than the other liquor stores nearby.  Mr. Genovas said that to get this kind of product, you need to travel far.  They are looking to provide healthier options, and offer meads, ciders and no sulfur added wine.                      

      Trustee Seibert asked about tastings that are planned on being offered.  He asked if there will be specific days and how it will work. Mr. Genovas explained that tastings are often dictated by the vendors and that they would be advertised in advance.  Ms. Genovas added that tastings were important, especially for the special products that plan to offer.  Tastings would be set up at the counter.

      Trustee Miga asked exactly what location this store was being planned for.  Mr. Genovas said that it is where the deli was.  He wants to make sure to keep traffic moving in the shopping center and feels that this is the best type of business to put in. 

      Trustee Bencivenga asked about the seating.  Mr. Genovas said they weren’t sure yet exactly, but will have an area for tastings. This will be an in and out retail store, so not any kind of a sit and hang out place.

      Trustee Cardali asked about the interior renovations being done, is anything being left?  Mr. Genovas said that it was completely gutted and only the walk-in box was left.  There are new floors and a new drop ceiling. Trustee Cardali asked if the back door still exists.  Mr. Genovas stated that it does, for egress. 

      Trustee Bencivenga asked when they are looking to open.  Mr. Genovas stated that it depends on SLA and once they get the liquor license, they will have a better idea.

      The meeting was opened to the public; no one addressed the Board.           

      On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

        RESOLVED to reserve decision.

        The Village Clerk read the legal notice:

        NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon will hold a Public Hearing at 153 West Main Street, on Tuesday, March 28th, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as can be heard, to consider the application of Steven Squitiro, owner of 21 Fire Island Ave LLC to open a new restaurant, The James, at 17-21 Fire Island Avenue.

        Copy of application and plans may be examined at the office of the Village Clerk, between the hours of 10am and 4pm Monday through Friday.

        All interested persons should appear at the above time and place and they will be given the opportunity to be heard.  All applicants and their duly appointed representatives must appear in person at the above hearing.


        Steven Squitiro

        87 Wagstaff Lane

        West Islip, NY 11795

        Business: The James/17-21 Fire Island Ave

          SCTM: 014-02-066-.001

          Mr. Squitiro explained that The James will be a new modern restaurant, serving steaks and seafood, in the space where The Babylon Carriage House was. It is a full renovation; the building is in rough shape and needs work.  He is waiting on his building permit and is ready to go. It is still 177 – 183 seats, no footprint change or expansion. 

          Trustee Seibert asked if this will solely be a restaurant or will there be a party room.  Mr. Squitiro explained that there is no separate party room, it is either 1st floor or 2nd floor and it will mostly dining, not parties. Trustee Seibert asked about the patio.  Mr. Squitiro said that he envisioned it being used May through November.  It will be set up with full dining tables.  Trustee Seibert asked about music and Mr. Squitiro said that other than background music, there are no plans for anything more than that.  There will be no dance floor and no DJ, other than for private events.  Trustee Seibert asked about the parking lot, will there be a barrier placed where traffic passes through to Fire Island Avenue, and Mr. Squitiro said that he will be leaving the parking lot open.  And he will be using valet parking. The through traffic is a safety concern and will need to be addressed.  Trustee Seibert ended by saying that it looked like a great plan inside.

          Trustee Miga asked if there will be a bar in the patio area.  Mr. Squitiro said that there will be no bar, just dining tables.

          Trustee Bencivenga said that in regards to the pass-through traffic, if the lot is closed off, it will be problematic.  Mr. Squitiro said that this is a safety issue for his guests.  It can’t be a public lot. He needs the lot for his guests.  If he allows people to use it, when does it stop?  This issue needs to be figured out.

          Trustee Cardali asked about the hours of operation.  Mr. Squitiro said that it will mostly open midday, with the exception of parties and Sunday brunch when it will be around 11:30 AM.  Trustee Cardali asked about The Bean.  Mr. Squitiro said that they are his tenant.  There was a parking issue there and he said it can be figured out without fencing in the lot.  There are 40 spots that will be used for valet. Trustee Cardali pointed out that the property adjoins public parking, which is how 180 seats work.  Again, Mr. Squitiro said that it will be worked out.

          The meeting was opened to the public; the following addressed the board:

          Christos Paloubis, 30 East Main Street

          John Dolan, 69 Prospect Street

          Dave Martens, 64 Prospect Street

          Corinne Roig, 31 Prospect Street

          Frank Sands, 83 Fire Island Ave

          On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

          RESOLVED to reserve decision.

            On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.


            Village Clerk

            ** For attachments contact the Village Clerk’s Office

            :. View All Board of Trustees Minutes