July 12, 2022

A work session was held by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon on TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2022. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, the meeting opened at 7:19 PM. On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, the work session ended at 8:06 PM.





JULY 12, 2022


Mayor Mary Adams

Trustee Frank Seibert

Trustee Robyn Silvestri

Trustee Dominic Bencivenga

Trustee Anthony Cardali

Attorney Matthew McDonough

Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees opened at 8:08 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Silvestri.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Silvestri and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the June 28, 2022 regular meeting of the Board of Trustees and dispense with the reading of the same.

The Village Clerk read the letter from the Fire Department dated June 21, 2022:

At the regular monthly meeting of the Fire Council held June 21st, 2022 the Fire Council took the following actions and we await your approval:

     Accepted as Probationary Members:

          Matthew Marsden - Electric Hose

          Joseph Livoti - Fire Patrol

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Silvestri and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to accept the Fire Department actions as read.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Silvestri and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to accept the resignation of Cindy Angiporti, full-time greenhouse laborer, effective July 8, 2022.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Silvestri and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to grant permission to the business owners of Redefine Meals, 255 Deer Park Avenue, to host a Friends & Family event on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM to celebrate the grand opening. A tent will be set up in the back parking lot to cater food to approximately 50 to 75 guests. No alcohol will be served. This permission is granted contingent upon approval of the building owner.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Silvestri and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to increase the parking meter fees to .25₵ per hour effective August 1, 2022.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Silvestri and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED that any individual requesting transcripts from any and all departments in the Village of Babylon shall incur all fees related to these items effective August 1, 2022.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Silvestri and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED, at the Organizational Meeting of 2022 the Board of Trustees appointed Steven Fellman, nunc pro tunc, as [Village Building Inspector]* effective as of that date to correctly reflect the action taken by the Board. The term of such appointment shall be one year from the effective date.    *Scrivener's error; appointed as part-time Building Inspector and as Site Plan Reviewer.

On the motion of Trustee Silvestri, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to issue a refund in the amount of $2,859.22 to Lereta, LLC for duplicate payments of 2022 taxes on the parcels listed below.

S / B / L

Owner Name

Property Address

Original Pymnt

Rec'd from:

      Refund               Amt to             Lereta:


Litvin, Steve & Irene

40 Greenway Terrace


    $ 1,445.32


Decanio, Anna & Ciano, Robyn

59 Yacht Club Rd.


    $ 1,413.90

Total Refund:

    $ 2,859.22

On the motion of Trustee Silvestri, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to issue a refund in the amount of $1,243.45 to Wells Fargo for duplicate payments of 2022 taxes on the parcels listed below.

S / B / L

Owner Name

Property Address

Original Pymnt   Rec' d from:

  Refund Amt 

  to Wells Fargo:


Molinari, Joseph & Frank

24 Park Avenue


$   585.20


Steffens, James & Marino, Kristin

123 Whaler’s Cove

Land Baron          Abstract

$   658.25

Total Refund:


On the motion of Trustee Silvestri, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to increase the sign permit application fee to $200 effective September 1, 2022.

On the motion of Trustee Silvestri, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to increase the following Zoning Board of Appeals fees effective September 1, 2022:

     Residential and Residential O Zone - $250

     Marine Commercial Zone - $500

     Retail Commercial & Industrial Zone - $500

     Multi Family District Zone - $500

On the motion of Trustee Silvestri, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon is the Lead Agency regarding proposed local law §343-67 of 2022 amending Chapter §343-67 IX Stop Intersections,

And therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees has determined this action will not have an adverse impact on the environment

On the motion of Trustee Silvestri, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried,

WHEREAS a Public Hearing was held on Tuesday, July 12, 2022,

BE IT HEREBY ENACTED that the following Local Law, proposed as Local Law §343-67 of 2022 is HEREBY ADOPTED as:

Local Law #8 of 2022, amending Village Code Chapter §343-67, IX, to add stop signs at the following intersections:

     - on Livingston Avenue at the intersection of Gwynn Street

     - on Livingston Avenue at the intersection of Pilcher Street

     - on Fire Island Avenue at the intersection of Cedar Lane

     - on Locust Avenue at the intersection of Frederick Avenue

                                                     In Favor:          Opposed:

    Mayor Adams                          Yes                         -

    Trustee Seibert                       Yes                        -

    Trustee Silvestri                      Yes                        -

    Trustee Bencivenga               Yes                        -

    Trustee Cardali                        Yes                        -

    ** This Local Law is effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. **

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to issue a pro-rated refund in the amount of $776.00 to Andrew Alvarez for Lewis Pond boat slip #50107.

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to issue refunds in the amounts indicated to the applicants listed below for the return of ZBA signs for partial refund.

    Refund              Applicant/Property Owner                           Property Location          Hearing Date

    $100.00             400 West Main St. LLC                                    400 W. Main St.                    6/15/22

      $ 50.00               Village Professional Bldg.                            420 Montauk Hwy.             6/15/22

      On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to increase the Occupancy Load fee to $150 effective September 1, 2022.

      On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, July 26 2022 to consider the application of Christina Sciuto of LaLa Land Play Inc. to open a children’s indoor play gym at 158 East Main Street, the former location of Babylon Crossfit. Copy of application and plans are available in the Office of the Village Clerk.

      On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED that the Stormwater Management MS4 annual report for the period ending March 9, 2022 is available for review on the Village website, www.villageofbabylonny.gov, and in the Office of the Village Clerk during normal business hours.

      On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to issue a refund in the amount of $15,765.15 to Corelogic for duplicate payments of 2022 taxes on the parcels listed below.

      S / B / L

      Owner Name

      Property Address

      Original Payment

      Received from:

      Refund Amt

      to Corelogic:


      Property Owner

      81 Smith St.

      Allegiance Abstract

      $ 1,436.37


      Tufano, Rachel

      200 Trolley Line Rd.

      MKM Abstract

      $ 1,940.97


      Sykes, Andrew

      65 Cooper St.


      $    620.55


      Delesia, Michael

      8 Belton Ct.

      Wells Fargo

      $ 4,177.29


      Ryan, Gerard

      8 Virginia Rd.

      Amrock LLC

      $ 1,252.87


      Cevallos, Georgie

      45 Tameling Ave.

      Gold Star Abstract

      $ 1,170.40


      Belletti, Richard

      50 Annuskemunnica Rd.

      TitleSave Agency

      $ 1,225.38


      Geiger, Adam, L.

      16 Saltmeadow Rd.

      JP Morgan Chase

      $ 2,408.34


      Potempa, Silvia

      13 Grant Ave. E.

      Habitat Abstract

      $ 1,532.98

      Total Refund:


      On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

      RESOLVED to remove the Veterans Exemptions from the 2021 and the 2022 Roll as per the attached,


      ALSO RESOLVED to bill the new owners the Exempt Property Restoration for the Tax Years as indicated.



        Prior Owner

        New Owner

        Exemption /

        Assessed Value


        Tax Yr./Bill


        50 Kingsland Pl.

        Viverito, Richard & Donna

        Castagnaro, Tori Lee

        Alt. Vet. N/C

        2021 AV – 335

        2022 AV - 317

        2021– $   7.84

        2022– $ 49.80

        Total: $  57.64


        13 Grant Ave E.

        Ayulo, Alberto

        Potempa, S. & Simo, N.

        Alt. Vet. N/C

        2021 AV – 335

        2022 AV - 317

        2021–$  20.46


        Total: $236.00

        On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

        RESOLVED to increase the following Planning Board fees effective September 1, 2022:

        Filing Fee’s:

               Special Permission (Decks, Fences, Driveway Alterations) - $100

               Site Plan Review - $300

               Commercial - $600

               Site Plan Change - $150

               Subdivision of a parcel which is part of a field map and requires no roads - $500

               Subdivision of property which includes Town Houses - $400 per unit

               (Usually will require new roads, drainage systems, engineer drawings and detailed planning. Public Hearing required  before formal subdivision plan is approved.)

        On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

        RESOLVED that the Village of Babylon will hold an annual 9/11 Memorial March to be held on Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 8:30 AM. Members of the Fire Department will march along Main Street from Fire Department headquarters/Village Hall to the 9/11 Memorial at Argyle Park.

        On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

        RESOLVED to approve the following warrant for July 12, 2022:

        General Account:                     $ 339,287.93

        TOTAL GENERAL FUND:          $ 339,287.93

        Trust Fund:                                  $              0.00

        TOTAL:                                          $ 339,287.93

        Mayor Adams commented that this Thursday, July 14, 2022, the Chamber of Commerce will be holding a block party on Deer Park Avenue from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Deer Park Avenue will be closed between Main Street and Park Avenue.

        The meeting was opened to the public; no one addressed the Board.

        On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Silvestri and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:29 PM.


        Village Clerk

        ** For attachments contact the Village Clerk’s Office

        :. View All Board of Trustees Minutes