April 11, 2023

A work session of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Babylon was held in the upstairs conference room on TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 2023. Present were: Mayor Adams, Trustee Seibert, Trustee Cardali, Trustee Miga, Trustee Bencivenga and Village Attorney Matthew McDonough.

On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, the work session opened at 7:51 PM. On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, the work session ended at 8:08 PM.





APRIL 11, 2023


Mayor Mary Adams

Trustee Frank Seibert

Trustee Anthony Cardali

Trustee KathyAnn Miga

Trustee Dominic Bencivenga

Attorney Matthew McDonough

Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees opened at 8:11 PM.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Cardali.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the March 28, 2023 regular meeting of the Board of Trustees and dispense with the reading of the same.

The Village Clerk read the correspondence from the Fire Department dated April 6, 2023:

The Annual Meeting of the General Convention of the Babylon Fire Department was held at 8:00 PM on Thursday, April 6, 2023 as prescribed by Article III, Section 1 of the Department Bylaws.

The purpose of the Convention was to elect nominees for the office of the Chief of the Department, First Assistant Chief, Second Assistant Chief and Third Assistant Chief.

The nominees receiving the plurality of votes were as follows:

Chief of the Department Matthew Arundale

First Assistant Chief James P. Miga

Second Assistant Chief William T. Sadousky

Third Assistant Chief Eric P. Price

Mayor Adams read the attached list of members elected as officers and wardens on the Fire Council.

Mayor Adams spoke about the fire department and how safe the Village is. She thanked them for their dedication and service. The Oath of Office was given to the elected officers.

On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED to accept the Fire Department actions as read.

    Trustee Seibert read the following:

    WHEREAS, the Village and PRC entered into an Agreement.

    WHEREAS, Amendment No. 1 extended the Agreement.

    WHEREAS, the Agreement allows for three (3), one (1) year renewals of the Agreement with the consent of both Parties.

    NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree that the Agreement is amended as follows, and on the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED, The Agreement is hereby extended for the second (2nd) of three (3) additional one (1) year terms.

    On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to terminate Benjamin Giandolfo, full-time laborer, effective February 17, 2023.

    On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to grant permission to Babylon Village Girl Scouts Juliettes to host Yoga in the Park on June 5, 2023 from 3:45 PM 5:15 PM on the grassy area next to the Park Avenue tennis courts on Park Avenue (north side) for approximately 75 girls and 10 adults. This permission is granted contingent upon timely receipt of the required certificates of insurance with the Village of Babylon listed as an additional insured, as well as a signed & notarized hold harmless agreement.

    On the motion of Trustee Miga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to issue refunds in the amounts indicated to the applicants listed below for the return of BOT signs. [Hearing date: 3/28/2023]

    Refund         Application/Property Owner         Property Location

    $50.00         Francesca Genovas                           35 John Street

    On the motion of Trustee Miga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to grant permission to Christ Episcopal Church to maintain temporary signs

    (8 1/2” x 11”) at various merchants in the Village from April 17th through May 15th, 2023 to advertise World Labyrinth Day and the Mother’s Day Weekend Plant Sale.

    On the motion of Trustee Miga, seconded by Trustee Seibert and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to approve Save the Great South Bay’s request to change the date of their Community Cleanup Event from April 2nd to April 23rd due to an inclement weather forecast.

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to add the highlighted liens on the attached chart to the 2023/24 tax bills.

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to hire the following as part-time starters at the golf course for the 2023 season, effective March 26, 2023:

    Robert Adam         Peter Montalbano        James Mitchell

    Linda Burke            Vincent Padula              William Tillinghast

    Tom Roman           James McCarthy            Bill Burke

    Frederick Butler    Dave Sheehan

    Bill Doxey                John Ziegelmeier

    Robert Mayo          Paul Turner

    On the motion of Trustee Bencivenga, seconded by Trustee Cardali and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED to approve the following warrant for April 11, 2023:

    General Account:                    $ 278,276.17

    CONKLIN HOUSE :                      $ 1,227.99

    TOTAL GENERAL FUND:      $ 279,504.16

    On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED that the Village of Babylon will hold the Annual Snapper Clinic on Saturday, August 19, 2023 from 9:00 AM-12 Noon in the Gilbert C. Hanse Pool parking lot.

    On the motion of Trustee Cardali, seconded by Trustee Bencivenga and unanimously carried, it was

    RESOLVED that the Village of Babylon will hold the Annual Snapper Derby on Saturday, August 26, 2023 from 9:00 AM-12 Noon on the Municipal Dock on Fire Island Avenue.

    Trustee Cardali announced that Shred Day is being held on April 29, 2023 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

    The Mayor read the following:

    WHEREAS, the Village of Babylon (the “Village”) has been awarded a grant (the “Grant”) from United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), for an allocation of funds during the 2023 Program Year under the Community Development Block Grant Program (“CDBGP”) in order to complete capital improvements within the Village described as follows: ADA improvements and the installation of red brick pavers within the Village (the “Project”); and

    WHEREAS, the total estimated Project cost is $279,227.20; and

    WHEREAS, the Village accepts the Grant in the amount of $279,227.20 and directs such funding to be used for the construction of handicap ramps and the installation of red brick pavers within the Village; and

    WHEREAS, the Village will use CDBGP Grant Funds solely and exclusively for eligible activities in connection with the Project and for no other purpose; and

    WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Board of Trustees of the Village deem it to be in the best interest of the Village to accept the Grant; and


    RESOLVED, the Village accepts the Grant Funding in the above-mentioned amount for the exclusive purpose of constructing handicap ramps and the installation of red brick pavers throughout the Village.

    The mayor polled the Board:

                                                      Yeas:            Nays:

    Trustee Seibert                     __X___       _____

    Trustee Bencivenga            __X___        _____

    Trustee Cardali                     __X___         _____

    Trustee Miga                         __X___         _____

    Mayor Adams                       __X___         _____

    The meeting was opened to the public; the following people addressed the board:

    Austin Kitt, 167 Araca Road, Babylon

    On the motion of Trustee Seibert, seconded by Trustee Miga and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:42 PM.


    Village Clerk

    ** For attachments contact the Village Clerk’s Office

    :. View All Board of Trustees Minutes